
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Is it harder to sew non stretch?

I have been reading a lot of sewing blogs lately and everywhere I go the dominating opinion is that non stretch fabric is easier to deal with. Or it's maybe I somehow got into the circle of blogs that share this opinion. I am, however, surprised to see this. Ok, my first ever project was a non stretch skirt in a sewing class at my school when I was about 10 years old. More on this later. After that project I had a long lasting rejection of sewing in general. Only when I picked up sewing recently, I found that I actually enjoy it especially when I use stretch fabrics and a serger. The first thing I did was the bodice for my ballroom dress I showed previously. All was great until I needed to make the non stretchy parts of the dress like a skirt and the floats. They were much more difficult to complete because you can immediately see all the mistakes, especially mistakes in thread tension. Granted, I went straight to the more difficult types of fabrics like light weight silk charmeuse and chiffon, but still, I found it much more difficult than the stretch fabrics.

Anyway, I decided to conquer my fear of non stretch fabrics and make a summer skirt. So, I made myself a pattern, got some pretty cotton fabric + lining, fusible interfacing, spent a couple of days figuring out how to put it all together and here it is.

I made invisible zipper on the back of the skirt which is zipper number 2 in my life. This one I put between the lining and the skirt. It took me some time to figure out how to do this. I'm sure it's not a big deal for people who are experienced in this, but since it was my first this type of zipper, I spent some time putting it into the belt and the lining at the same time. So, here is how it look from the back.

I put a lining inside which is simply an A-line skirt I attached to the belt. The belt has fusible interfacing inside.

The conclusion, it's not as bad as I thought. Unlike a ballroom dress that takes a lot of time, I was able to quickly make this skirt from scratch. But I still stand with the opinion that stretch fabrics are easier. Just need to prove it to my self by maybe making a knit skirt? Next up, though, is a dress from a non stretch fabric. I actually already competed it and will post when I have a chance to take some pictures of it.

Happy sewing for now.

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